Announcing the correct fury of your why is a mountain by Kevin Heslop
Gordon Hill Press is pleased to announce the correct fury of your why is a mountain, the debut full-length poetry collection from Kevin Heslop, to be released in the Fall of 2021.
Kevin Heslop is a poet and actor from London, Ontario. He is the author of two chapbooks, con/tig/u/us (The Blasted Tree 2018) and there is no minor violence just as there is no negligible cough during an aria (Frog Hollow Press 2019). His writing has won Poetry London, Occasus Literary Journal, and James McIntyre Poetry Competition prizes, and has appeared with Juniper Press, Puddles of Sky Press, NOON, as well as in three anthologies, Translating Horses (Baseline Press 2015), Another London (Harmonia Press 2016) and Release Any Words Stuck Inside of You II (Applebeard Editions 2019). Kevin is currently the resident interviewer for The /temz/ Review and Poetry London, and organizes LOMP: reading series.