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Ayaz Pirani's How Beautiful People Are Now Available for Preorder
Ayaz Pirani's forthcoming collection of poetry, How Beautiful People Are, is now available for preorder –
Review of Khashayar Mohammadi's Me, You, Then Snow in Arc Magazine
Jordan Prato has reviewed Khashayar Mohammadi's Me, You, Then Snow in the most recent Arc Magazine, Issue #95.
Review of Roxanna Bennett's The Untranslatable I in CAROUSEL
CAROUSEL magazine just posted a review by A.G. Pasquella of Roxana Bennett's The Untranslatable I.
Travis Lane Reads for Poetry London
M. Travis Lane's reading for Poetry London is now live, with poems from her most recent collection, Keeping Count –
Lily Wang Interviewed in Blank Spaces
Lily Wang was interviewed about her book Saturn Peach and other poetry-ish things in the most recent issue of Blank Spaces.